Section: New Software and Platforms


Expected Cost Analysis for Imperative Programs

Keywords: Software Verification - Automation - Runtime Complexity Analysis - Randomized algorithms

Functional Description: Eco-imp is a cost analyser for probabilistic and non-deterministic imperative programs. Particularly, it features dedicated support for sampling from distributions, and can thereby accurately reason about the average case complexity of randomized algorithms, in a fully automatic fashion. The tool is based on an adaption of the ert-calculus of Kaminski et al., extended to the more general setting of cost analysis where the programmer is free to specify a (non-uniform) cost measure on programs. The main distinctive feature of eco-imp, though, is the combination of this calculus with an expected value analysis. This provides the glue to analyse program components in complete independence, that is, the analysis is modular and thus scalable. As a consequence, confirmed by our experiments, eco-imp runs on average orders of magnitude faster than comparable tools: execution times of several seconds become milliseconds.